John Badham

John Badham

John Badham’s career started in Weyburn, Saskatchewan and has spanned over 50 years and has included stops in Regina, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, and Peterborough. Badham covered many major sporting events including: the Olympics, Pan-Am, Commonwealth games, hockey...
John Wells

John Wells

John Wells began his broadcasting career in 1965 with Winnipeg’s CKY-FM. Wells then moved to television in 1969 as sports director for CKCK-TV Regina. In 1971, Wells began working at CBC Sports, where he was a host for the CFL on CBC from 1973 to 1983. In 1984, Wells...
Gregory B. Fulton

Gregory B. Fulton

Gregory B. Fulton was a Winnipeg native and moved to Calgary in 1930. He began his direct involvement with football as a player in 1939. Following World War II, he was a reporter for “Gateway”, the University of Alberta Student Newspaper, where he developed...
Tommy Grant

Tommy Grant

A multi-sport athlete, Tommy Grant starred in basketball, track, baseball and football. In 1955, Grant played in the Canadian Junior final with the Windsor AKO Fratmen. Grant had a career total 54 touchdowns for 324 points. He rushed 559 yards on 127 carries for a 4.4...
Dieter Brock

Dieter Brock

After graduating from Jacksonville State in 1974, Dieter Brock signed a one-year contract with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and assumed the starting quarterback role in October, 1975. Always known for his strong arm, Brock trained by throwing weighted steel balls at a...