The Canadian Football Hall of Fame represents all levels of Football in Canada both amateur and professional. There can be no less than 5 individuals and no more than 7 selected each year. Inductees enter the Hall of Fame in one of two categories: Builder or Player. The committee decides on how many inductees will be inducted each year.
The categories are further broken out:
Builder: Professional & Amateur
Player: Professional, Veteran and Amateur
Any person may nominate someone for consideration as either a Player or Builder. For a person to be nominated the supporting documentation must be submitted to the Hall of Fame prior to the deadline of October 31st. Such nominees must have the endorsement of at least two members of the Selection Committee in order to proceed to the ballot. Please look at the Terms of Reference for all the specifics on Selection.
Once endorsed that person is put on the first ballot for consideration, at the selection meeting for a nomination to move forward that person must receive 75% of the vote to move to the second ballot. If that nomination receives between 34% and 74% that person stays on first ballot for future consideration anything less that 33% that nomination is dropped from the ballot.
On second ballot voting all nominations are discussed and they are voted on in a descending order i.e. 15 being your highest vote 1 being the least favorite. The top candidates per in the respective categories receive induction into the Hall of Fame. In the player category an individual can stay on the list for no more than 25 years, if not elected that person would go to the Veterans category for discussion.